Three performances of the 2001 Jewel Box production of EvenSong were videotaped, then edited together for a comprehensive presentation of the show. In this manner, EvenSong is immortalized for all time.

Now you can see the video in its entirety! Click the thumbnails below to play the video of each song. Then, go on to the next song or page in the sequence to see the whole show! (Some songs are longer than others and may require more download time - please be patient.)

Overture VidCap
Ch. 1 - "Overture"
Motif VidCap
Ch. 2 - "Motif"
Dawn's Song VidCap
Ch. 3 - "Dawn's Song"
My Name Is Legion VidCap
Ch. 4 - "My Name Is Legion"
Young Goodman Jonathan VidCap
Ch. 5 - "Young Goodman Jonathan"
(All Alone) OnLovers' Peak VidCap
Ch. 6 - "(All Alone) On Lovers' Peak"